David Crowder, CF / Farrier in Siler City, North Carolina


Wilkinson Farriery ServiceWilkinson Farriery Service

Jan 1998 - Present · 26 yrs 11 mosJan 1998 to Present · 26 yrs 11 mos
A farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of a horse's hoof and the placing of shoes to the horse's foot. A farrier couples a subset of the blacksmith's skills (fabricating, adapting, and adjusting metal shoes) with a subset of veterinary medicine (knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the lower limb) to address the care of the horse's feet.

* AFA Certified Farrier
* AFA Member ( American Farrier's Association) since 1998
* NCFA Member ( North Carolina's Farrier's Association)
since 1999
* Support Farrier for the NC Veterinary School of Medicine
(participated in the Veterinary Student "Ride with the Farrier
Program and Horse owners class - How to maintain your
horse's feet)
* WEG ( World Equestion Games) - Selected Farrier to
support the games

Specialties: Corrective
Therapeutic Horseshoeing
Barefoot Trimming



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