Windfall Stables / Horse Breeding/sales Facility in Bourbon, Missouri

We are a full service stable offering Tennessee Walking Horse stud service, boarding, sales, transportation,and foaling service. Standing:BEAM'S SUPER STOCK by Prides Beam ex a Super Stock Show mare; P.J.'S PUSHER by WGC The Pusher CG ex WGC Pride's Jubilee Star mare. Both stallion fee is $400.00 ea. or 2 for $600.00 LFG Shipped Semen Available. Check out our web page for pedigree's and photos. Colts available.


Advertising And Standing Stallions And Show Horses For Sale Artificial Insemination Boarding BREEDING Breeding And Sales Broodmare & Foal Care Broodmare Care. Champion Pedigree English Pleasure Foaling And Mare Services Full Care Boarding Facility Gaited Breeds Groundwork Halter Horses For Sale Instruction Lots Of Turnout And Individual Care Mare Care Pleasure Horses Providing Excellance In Our Foals. Saddle Seat Sales Semen Collection Shipped Semen Stallions At Stud Trail Horses Training Western
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