Blue Skies of Mapleview LLC Summer horse camp, fall and spring lessons / Premier Horse Camp in Hillsborough, North Carolina

Since 1996 we have provided students aged 8-18 the opportunity to learn riding from the ground up as well as adult women. All students start bareback and earn their saddles and reins. Our focus is on creating a lifelong set of knowledge and experience with kind horses. We offer afterschool and Saturday lessons for children and teens. The Women's Intuitive Riding groups for women wanting to rekindle their horse experience or start a new passion is semester-long. Women new to Blue Skies have Tuesday or Wednesday 12:15-2:15 possibilities and this course begins in October this year. We are signing up NOW. After this we have three returnee groups that they can choose to join. Women's Intuitive Riding is different enough that we hold a federal trademark on the course. Most women report that it is the "best two hours of their week".


Activities Arena Basics Beginner To Advanced Riding Lessons Beginners - Experienced Riders Beginners Welcome! Clean Confidence Building Educational Clinics English Riding Lessons Equitation Excellent Instruction Family Run Farm Since 1996! Full Service Riding Facility Fun Great Way To Learn About Horses Horse & Pony Birthday Parties Horse Boarding Available Horse Education Horse Summer Camps Horseback Riding Day Camps Horseback Riding Lessons Horsemanship Lessons Horses Provided Kids Lessons Natural Horsemanship Our Instructors Are Experienced Adults Who Value Safety. We Don' Poles Quality Instructors Safety Is Top Priority Special Events We Have Adult Experienced Instructors and Never Push or Shame Ou Well Mannered Horses Women's Intuitive Riding For Adults Women's Intuitive Riding Registered Trademark
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