Graystone Hunters and Jumpers / Horse Boarding Farm in Newbury, Ohio

Graystone provide the highest quality lessons, training, and care offered in the Northeast Ohio area. Services include boarding, training hunters/jumpers, public riding lessons, showing on USHJA/USEF "A" circuit and local OPHA schooling shows, and horse sales and leasing. Our training programs are customized to meet the horse's and rider's needs. For our lesson program we have horses that can accommodate all ages and levels of riding and will give you the tools to succeed in this sport. We are located at Red Hawk Stables which offers a large indoor riding ring with new footing added in 2015, heated viewing room and lounge, restrooms, tack room with lockers, wifi, large lighted outdoor sand ring, access to trails on the property, open and airy 12X12 matted stalls with window, heated wash rack with hot/cold water, large pastures, and staff that lives on the property. Our board includes 3 feedings of grain and 4 feedings of hay per day, 6-7 day turn out, stall cleaned 7 days a week, blankets changed when needed, laundry, boots put on/taken off for turn out, vet visits farm once a week, and grooming available.


Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Boarding Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out English Equitation Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pastures Private Riding Lessons Riding Clinics Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding
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