Henebry Farm is a private horse farm in Goochland, Virginia that offers quality mixed grass hay for sale. Locally grown, composed of Orchard/Timothy/Fescue*/Clover & other native grasses available in season.
2016 price $5.50/bale + VA state sales tax. We have around 200 bales left in storage. Customer pickup only, no delivery. Quantity discount 100+ bales. When quantity becomes limited, preference will be given to return customers. Please contact us now to be placed on our customer list. We will notify you by phone/text when hay will be available. Look for Henebry Farm on Facebook for availability, as well. We make every effort to meet the needs of our customers, in order received. However, since we have limited storage, pickup is by appointment or first come, first served. Hay must be picked up in season, as close to time of baling as possible.
*Not suitable for pregnant broodmares as the Fescue is not guaranteed to be endophyte free.
The hay we grow, bale, and sell is the ONLY hay we feed our horses.