Quality work at a competitive price. I can do it all and I'm always taking business. Just give me a call, get me on Facebook At Joe Kelly Horseshoeing or drop me a e-mail at I'm working towards my certifications every chance I get. Thanks and hope tSee More
Certified Journeyman Farrier
Servicing northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin and northern Indiana. Corrective and regular trimming and shoeing. If you're in the market for someone that sticks to a schedule, shows up on time, is able to communicate and educate you on what your hoSee More
...My name is Sarah Coltrin and I am dedicated to helping you and your horse by providing professional and customized trimming and shoeing plans. I attended the Midwest Horseshoeing School and am currently an American Farrier's Association Certified FarSee More
...Therapeutic and Corrective Shoeing.
Noble Horse Farrier Service - Experienced, specializing in Dressage horses, hunter/jumpers, driving & pleasure horses. Hot shoeing/ trimming.
Graduates of Midwest horseshoeing school.
Noble Horse Farrier Service
Ask for: Dan Sampson
http ... See More
Professional, full-time Farrier Service offered by Brad Grevengoed, graduate of Midwest Horseshoeing School.
20 years experience with a multitude of different breeds and riding types.
Based out of Paw Paw, IL with clients in De Kalb, Lee, Kane, Ke ... See More
Bare foot farrier service with 8 year experience
Professional Farrier
corrective shoeing and trimming of multiple disciplines
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