14+ year professional natural hoofcare practitioner providing compassionate service for horse's hooves following natural trim methods... Recommending holistic approaches for maintenance and rehabilitation including nutrition, environment, exercise and regular trims... Using a whole horse approach to promote soundness and health... Maintaining a repSee More
Certified farrier, and horse owner. Shoeing and trimming your horse mule or donkey, for balance and performance . Hot and cold shoeing , most all disciplines , on time and easy with the horses. corrective and therapeutic work, meet with your vet or tSee More
Farrier Services (Barefoot Trimming or Shod) Equine Massage, Kinesio Taping, Thermal Imaging.
We put the horse first by determining the best way to keep your horse sound, whether that be with shoes, pasture trim, Barefoot trim, or boots. The owner ... See More
Each horse is cared for individually for their personal discipline and environment. Utilizing 25+ years experience in hoof art and 40+ years horsemanship.
We understand that your horse is not only your partner but your best friend, and will treat him that way. All trimming and shoeing is done with patience and respect for your horse. I am not only a Farrier but an Animal Science major intersted in all See More
...With over 35+ years of experience, we are determined to bring you the absolute best in hoof care at Craig's Farrier Service. Whether you have a pleasure riding horse, a miniature pony, a donkey, or a mule you want a farrier who will listen to you andSee More
...Graduate from Five Star Horseshoeing School. Studied under Dusty Franklin (AFA educator of the year 2010, US Farrier Team for the past 3 years). Paul Goodness (Sport Horse, Three day event farrier and lameness expert with Marion DuPont Medical EquiSee More
...Walking and gaited
Over 22 years of experience working with all types of horses, dependable and reliable.
I have been shoeing horses my whole life, had the blessing to work under some of the best farriers in the industry (Gene Kennedy, Grey Boyd, G.W. White, Danny Harmon and many others who helped me prefect my passion for horses). I went to NC STATE UNISee More
...Therapeutic shoeing, hot and cold shoeing, trims , and also horse training... 50$ trim, 150$ full set shoes, 1450$ 30 days training...
AFA Certified Farrier (CF). Hot and cold shoeing, trims (donkeys too!), and tack-on service for loose and lost shoes provided within 30 miles of Chapel Hill NC. Weekend availability. Trimming and shoeing focus on hoof balance for optimal health, comfSee More
...All sport horses from Grand Prix to High Level Hunters
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