Maple Wood Equestrian is a Hunter/Jumper barn that offers personalized training and care for all levels of riding. Lessons, training and sales. Jordina Thorp has nearly 20 years experience teaching, training, and showing hunters, jumpers and equitation. A successful professional previously based on the East coast, competed and trained clients at all major Equitation, Hunter and Jumper finals. Leasing options available, lesson opportunities and stall openings for full training. Sales program in place working in partnership with Byden Equestrian Services and Sales based in Ottawa Canada, with international export and import. Relaxed, friendly and professional atmosphere for all ages and levels, from basic lessons to competition. Now in Waynesville Ohio, in a beautiful and quiet atmosphere with impeccable care. Let us know how we can help you! Building a lesson program for aspiring young riders, from years of previous experience starting beginners, and developing into competitors! Call now to inquire and learn more! **