Laughing Stockfarm Horse Sanctuary / Premier Horse Boarding Farm in Desert Hot Springs, California

We are a full service facility located in the Coachella Valley, twenty minutes from Palm Springs, Indio, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, and La Quinta, California. We are above the valley floor at 1250' with western trail riding in all directions from the ranch. Two large arenas, two roundpens, washracks, tackrooms, trailer parking, night lights, restroom in barn, washer, two ice cold drinking fountains (filtered). Lots of places to sit and hang out in the shade of hundreds of trees. A large turnout paddock as well. We clean the corrals everyday and feed three times daily. We have many references and have been in the same location for thirty years. We give discounts for multiple horses. Our board starts at $475.00. for 24x24 covered corral. We are twenty minutes outside of Palm Springs in Sky Valley. PLEASE CALL to inquire for quick response. Ask for Toni.


10° Cooler In Summer 24 Hr. Security Administer Meds Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Arena Awesome Views Beautiful Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Blanketing Boarding Broodmare And Foal Care Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Turn Outs English Full Service Boarding Facility Fully Tax Deductable Sponsorships and Donations. Geriatric Horse Care Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Individualized Care Just Added a Hot Walker! Laundry Services And Repairs Layovers, Stopovers Leasing Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Open Evenings With Lights Outdoor Arena Overnight Stabling Owner And Ranch Hands Live On Site Peaceful & Quiet Setting Personal Attention Given To Each Horse And Human Personalized Care Private Riding Lessons Refrigeraters Retirement With Full Care Riding Trails Available Round Pen Salt And Psyllium Supplied Specialize in Long Term Care for Retired Show Horses and Owners Stall Boarding Tackrooms Trail Riding Trailer Parking Available Trainer On-site Veterinary Care Wash Rack We Also Are a Nonprofit Organization That Provides Care for Reti Weekly Stays Western Western Pleasure
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