Swift Creek School of Equitation has been in practice since 1978, offering a convenient location with a great facility and accredited staff which includes, Jessie Clise Lohr (owner/trainer), Molly Alaimo and Ashley Smoral. Our riding program is designed for beginner riders up through advanced levels, ages 5 and up. The main goals are horsemanship, exercise and fun for all ages and abilities. Our riders continue to succeed at mini shows, local shows and USEF national shows. We are also the organizers of The Central Virginia Show Jumping Association. We offer group and private lessons, boarding, training, and leasing. Our facilities include two lighted outdoor arenas, an indoor arena, a grass jumper field, and access to trails. In addition to hunters and jumpers, we foxhunt with Deep Run Hunt Club and offer western lessons (including barrel racing) and attend VCA events (Virginia Cowboys Association).